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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Interview with FAECES ERUPTION

FAECES ERUPTION a goregrind project from the Netherlands first appeared in the mid 2000ths and went to hiatus after a couple years. Recently the project was revived and when I heard the new split tape with ONIKU I decided it's time for an interview too.

⍰ First off what made you decide to bring back the project after almost a decade of inactivity? What music are you usually listening to these days? How do you think did the scene change during your absence?

➤ I think it was in February 2016 that Amos (Uterus Productions) or Jangore (Proctalgia) contacted me on my personal FB page to ask if there was an opportunity to do a split CD together. I’d dig into the FxEx tuff on my computer and compiled 2 recordings for the split CD. Somehow this all triggered to listen to some grind stuff again and my hands started to itch to be honest..

A few of my alltime favorite bands that I’ve listened to since 8 years or so now are Tool and Muse. Both inspire me to make music and be open about any subject you want to write songs or song titles about. I think it’s very good to use music to send a message. And as for grind, I’ve always liked bands as LDOH, Regurgitate, Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage, Nasum, Blood I Bleed, FUBAR, etc…. that never changed, I only didn’t listen to it that much.

About the scene changing.

At first it was hard for me to find a way to reach people again. A lot of labels I was in contact with nearly 10 years ago, are not around anymore and there are a lot of new labels again. I decided to check out on facebook what’s going on these days and quickly made some new connections again.

So I think the part that definitely changed to most is the Social Media part wich was new for me with the music.

Also what I saw on some live shows I checked was that a lot of people dress up in silly costumes when they go to a concert or festival. In some cases I couldn’t even see the band play anymore. All I saw was a lot of people with swimming pool gear like inflatable tubes and ducks!

⍰ What equipment are you using to record your stuff? Is it the same you were using back then?

➤ The only thing I use that is the same is the pitch pedal and the bass distortion pedal, but not exactly the same effects.

Further I use the same drum computer, but this time I’ve sampled the audio into single hit samples and I cut and paste it all together into Cubase together with some other crash and cymbal samples I want to use.

I don’t have the same guitars anymore either

-Guitar pedal – Digitech Genesis 3
-Pitch – Digitech Genesis 3
-Bass pedal – Zoom 505 II
-Drumcomputer – Zoom RT-123
-Guitar – Richwood RE-125 Les Paul
-Guitar 2 – Cort (G Series)
-Bass guitar – Cort – C4 H

I all record directly without amps in Cubase 5

⍰ In many goregrind projects people are trying to break as many taboo topics as possible. What do you think about it? Where do you draw the line?

➤Everyone has to write about what they feel they should write about to be honest. Some subjects shock me as a person because of private situations and life ethics. Each time those themes come up, something in me cringes…

That’s why I have a complete different subject for the new releases. I’ve always been interested in Sci-fi and the paranormal, wich has always felt pretty normal to me.

The “normal world” we live in seemed stranger to me than the idea that Extra Terrestrials walk among us for instance.

⍰ You played a bunch of live shows when you first started your project. Are you still looking forward to play shows again now that you’re back? How is the scene in your area?

➤ I think I did 3 live shows with Faeces Eruption somewhere around the time we played with DxFxRx. Always with a few guest artists on vocals because I simply couldn’t do the vocals and play guitar at the same time back then.

I am not sure if I will do it again in the future. The feeling to want to go on stage is there, but than it would be a full setting. Not just me on my own, or with a non-rehearsed guest artist.

⍰ You have to forever ban one element of your project! Which one would you pick and what would you replace it with: Drum machine, pitch shifter or grind riffs?

➤ That’s a very hard question because sometimes I think switching to electronic drum (wich I have to go and practice then, I wanted to be a drummer since I started making music).

But also I enjoy listening to my tracks without the vocals also and I don’t miss them. And as for grind riffs, I don’t think that is a thing because I think you can fit a lot of different riffs in a grind song. It doesn’t have to be a Beatles riff or whatever, but you can use deathmetal riffs or something like that for sure!

Hmmmmm I think I’d drop the pitch and go on clean grunts and screams.

I can’t drum that well and I struggle on doing the vocals since it has been a long time and my throat itches very badly after recording.

⍰ Name five albums you’d pick when moving to a lonely island, and one song that would play on your grave!

➤ Muse “Origin Of Symmetry”
Muse “Absolution”
Muse “Resistance”
Tool “Lateralus”
Tool “Aenima”

There are a few bands and Cd’s that really opened up a different perspective on things, life in general, for me. Especially the Lateralus album bij Tool has always felt as a spiritual Journey from start to end for me. We all experience some sort of grudge in a way it is keeping us bussy and after that we feel sort of sorry for ourself. So we become the patient with the “disease”, where we need to heal from. We discover we are getting detatched from ourselves and each other and we need to find another way to fit the pieces back together.

On the cd there’s a track called Parabola wich, for me, is about we choose to be in this human body, and that we choose to be on this journey. That we should be thankful for the life we have, how difficult it sometimes is, because we’ve chosen it.

The song Lateralus is about we are devine entities on a journey from a black and white infant perspective and blossom to a spiraling positive energy and “still be a human”

The feeling I have with the song Reflection, is hard to explain but to me the song is about being in a very low energy pitiful place and time in life. A moment where you may find peace within the emptiness. On one moment “the moon tells me a secret”, and you see a million light reflections pass over. When you pull your head out that space you’ll come to find that you don’t want to feed the narcissism and blind negativity anymore and that you must crucify the ego, before it’s too late. And you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable.

And I think Reflection would be the song wich always stays with me the most, and has been stuck in my head for a long time wich will fit my future cremation very well.

It shows me the reason why I had to step back from the grind-scene and my life in general to seek who I am and where I am going in this ocean of chaos. To wander around and seek for the truth wich I always felt was not what was fed to me from the start of this life.

⍰ Thanks for the interview! Final words are yours!!

➤Thank you for doing this interview and come up with good questions!
Thank you for being interested in me and my music.

Never stop what you do best until you become even better at it and always try and find a way to push the envelope.

We Are One

Discography (new stuff only)

  • 2017 split CD with PROCTALGIA
  • 2017 Altar of gross pathology (tape)
  • 2017 split tape with ONIKU
